Trinity-St. Stephen's United Church

Committees & Groups

Our History
United Church Crest
Committees & Groups
Weekly Bulletin
Calendar & Events
Heartz Hall Rental
"Music at Trinity"
Sacraments & Marriages
Church Windows

Church Council - This group oversees the functioning of the committees.  It meets on a monthly basis and receives reports from the various committees as well as discusses matters that pertain to the whole.  Its membership is made up of the committee members.
Christian Education - Concerned with faith formation of all ages.  As the United Church, faith is understood not as an arrival or destination, but as a life-long journey. 
  • Church Library - Be sure to check out our library in the hall.  Here you will find a wide selection of books for all ages, including an extensive children's section. 
  • Sunday School - All children from nursery age through Gr. 12 are welcome..The teachings normally follow the same Bible readings that the adults will hear in worship.
Ministry and Personnel - Meets as a consultative body that supports the work of all paid personnel in the church and works to see that good relationships exist between staff and congregation members.
Outreach - Concerned with community and global outreach. 
  • Benevolent Funds - These funds are used to assit members of our community.
  • Mission and Service - This is the main source for outreach funds (both national and global) of our United Church of Canada.  To learn how these funds help people, listen to the Minute for Mission read on a regular basis at the beginning of our worship services.  Tax receipted donations can be made through your regular offering envelopes or through Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR).
  • The Amherst Food Assistance Network - Along with other churches and organizations in the Amherst area, our church supports the local food bank through our monthly food bank Sundays when we are encouraged to bring in non-perishables.  Some of our members also volunteer on a regular basis.
Property - Repairs, day to day functioning of the building, approval of day to day expenditures related to upkeep of building.
ReGenesis - This group collaboratively develops a strategy for congregational renewal.
Stewardship - Responsible for seeing that the full financial potential of the congregation is realized and for interperting why the funds are needed.
Worship - Busies itself with all matters pertaining to worship including scheduling of services, use of sanctuary space, sacraments, etc.
Board of Trustees - Concerns itself with investments, leases, major renovations of the building, etc.
Presbytery - Trinity-St. Stephen's is a part of a regional grouping of United Churches called Chignecto Presbytery.  There are about 90 such presbyteries from coast to coast in Canada.  Here, lay and clergy representatives discuss mutual concerns, share new learnings, organize regional events and oversee the functioning of our congregations.  It usually meets every couple of months with committees designated for specific tasks.  In late May, a huge gathering of all Maritime presbyterues take place for 4 days in Sackville, NB.  This is called Maritime Conference (Find their link under the "Links" section.).

Bible Study - From September until May, on Thursday mornings at 10:00am-11:15am, you are invited to join with other interested folks in reading and discussing the Scripture readings that will be used in the upcoming Sunday worship.  Don't worry about having all the answers! We usually discover that we have more questions than answers! It is a great spark to your week!  The good part is that is does not require that you be there each week as each week is a unit unto itself.  Come as you are able!
Choir (Senior and Junior) - Practice for the Senior Choir is held on Thursday at 6:30pm; Trinity Youth Singers practice is held on Sunday mornings at 11:45am (after worship).  If you are interested in learning more about choral music and joining the Senior Choir or know of children ages 8-12 who would be interested in the Junior Choir please, contact the Director of Music, Jeff Joudrey.
Friends Unlimited - This group meets on the last Saturday of the month at 6:00pm at the church for a time of eating, fellowship, and games.  Potluck is the order of the day! All adults are welcome!
Goodtimers (Men's group) - Meet on the last Wednesday of the month over supper hour providing opportunities for learning and fellowship.
Open Circle Drop In - Get together on Thursday afternoons at 1:30pm, a time to play games and enjoy the company of others.
Parents 'n Tots - Friday mornings from 10:00am-11:30am, our church is a beehive of activity with parents and tots joining for some play time, informal conversation and a little snack. Come along and join the fun!
United Church Women (UCW) - With 4 units that meet in our church on a monthly basis, there is bound to be a day and time that is convenient with your schedule! The purpose of the UCW is "to unite the women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to provide a medium through which we may express our loyality and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service."

Telephone: (902) 667-8483 Email:   1 Ratchford St. Amherst, NS. B4H 3Z5

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